

So forget about the most of Monday... today is Tuesday and it's my freakin' birthday [I do what I want!]... My 26th, in fact!  This means I'm one year closer to 30, and the clock is ticking [according to my husband, of course!].  Doesn't he know that this is my theme song?

My birthday weekend consisted of the following (to sum it up, PERFECT, obviously):

The AC going out and then attempting to cool the room with a mini evap cooler.  In 114 degree PHX heat. 
Churn ice cream (freebie, btw!) to get out of the 94 degree house.

Free rootbeer floats from our property manager at work.

Borrowing my two-year old nieces sunglasses for a moment.

A sweet group of coworkers surprising me with a card, and one brought me flowers!

Pedis and Massages with my sis 

Did you know that I share a birthday with my Granny?  She's cute-ta-boot, and where I get my short-ness from.  Here we are at the cabin (4th of July 2011):

I asked for nothing for my birthday [and received many nice gifts, many thanks to you kind  and generous people].  Why no gifts, you ask?  Because material 'things' no longer matter... life is about my little family:

4th of July 2012... Stuart Little & Penny Laine are being their typical selves...
And my big families:
The Bentley's celebrating 60 years of marriage last summer!

My sister's wedding in 2004.

And friends (ok, there are A LOT of you, and if I didn't get a pic here it's because we need one or a new one!)...




And food, of course!

So here... on my 26th birthday I thank God for these things He's blessed me with!

Cheers to another fantastic year!

- Busy B